
Our new catalog has just arrived from the printers. It contains the highlights of our program on 68 pages. You can also find all the offers here on this homepage (and of course many more). If you would still like to browse through printed paper, you are welcome to request the catalog free of charge and without obligation by post.

Please note that we see our catalog more as an image brochure about us and the travel options we offer. It is not a "sales tool", as you may be used to from other tour operators, but contains many examples of what is possible in terms of individual forms of travel in Southern Africa.

Alternatively, you can conveniently download our catalog here as a PDF file (approx. 7 MB). Please contact us for current prices for your personal dream trip or follow the links or QR codes provided.

    Request the SA Travel catalog now free of charge and without obligation

    SA Travel discover. experience. fall in love.